Why did you choose to attend Tulane?
Tulane's online MHA program offers the flexibility for me to work at my own pace from anywhere I like, surpassing physical limits in communications with professors and peers, also allowing me to have an in-person-like experience with extra convenience. Moreover, online MHA peers range from new graduates, early to veteran careerists from diverse fields all over the world who aspire to become leaders in the U.S. healthcare system. This unique conglomeration of peers provided the opportunity to acquire different viewpoints/perspectives effortlessly.
Why are you interested in volunteering as a student ambassador?
“What you do for yourself dies with you when you leave this world, what you do for others lives on forever,” said Sir Ken Robinson. (In appreciation of all the assistance and guidance I have received from Tulane faculties and peers, I had no other way than to serve as an SPHTM Student Ambassador to give back).
What's your dream job?
Chief Executive Officer.
What advice would you give someone thinking about getting a degree in public health?
If you aspire to positively impact your neighbors' health, definitely yes!
Any hobbies, interests, etc. outside of public health?
Reading, gardening, watching Youtube
What is the best thing about being a student at Tulane thus far?
Two things I appreciate the most about being a student at Tulane are flexibility and autonomy. As the school will provide you with all the knowledge and support you need, you can decide what paths to take at your own pace and will.
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