Why did you choose to attend Tulane?
I chose Tulane for the networking opportunities, the mentorship, and amazing mentors that are helping me to grow my skills. I am also being exposed to so many career paths that will allow me to narrow down my options. The mentors/faculty have been so supportive that, if it was not for them, I would not be in the position I am today. I knew I always wanted to go into healthcare, but I found a love for the public health side as well throughout my program.
Why are you interested in volunteering as a student ambassador?
To help new students and guide them into their future careers by sharing my experiences. I want the students here to be successful because having a great mentor is so helpful.
What's your dream job?
Still soul-searching. I'm considering drug-susceptibility testing in public health research with an emphasis on health policy, but I'm still not sure as of this moment.
What advice would you give someone thinking about getting a degree in public health?
Never say no to any opportunities that you get. Even if means going some place new, it is a great way to network with people that are there for your successes. Be sure to take care of yourself and have an outlet outside of the classroom and work.
Any hobbies, interests, etc. outside of public health?
Basketball, Dance Dance Revolution, hiking, lifting, exploring new places, spending time with friends and family, running, coffee, reading, and learning new languages.
What is the best thing about being a student at Tulane thus far?
The flexibility, networking opportunities, and great mentors/supports for the students success.