Student Ambassador: Subashini Muthaiah

Subashini Muthaiah headshot

Why did you choose to attend Tulane SPHTM?

I chose Tulane SPHTM for its stellar reputation, diverse programs, and vibrant learning environment. The school's expert faculty, hands-on approach to learning, and location in New Orleans were all key factors in my decision. Additionally, the networking opportunities available at Tulane SPHTM were appealing, as they offer connections with professionals in the field of public health. Overall, I believe attending Tulane SPHTM will provide me with a well-rounded education and valuable experiences to pursue my goals in public health.

Why are you interested in volunteering as an SPHTM Student Ambassador?

I am interested in volunteering as an SPHTM Student Ambassador because I am driven by the desire to share my journey through the master's program and inspire others who are considering a similar path. While I may not reach everyone, I am eager to connect with those who are seeking guidance and information about pursuing a degree in public health. My motivation stems from a deep-rooted passion for public health and a belief in its transformative potential. I want to convey what inspired me to pursue this field and share the knowledge and experiences that have shaped my journey.

What's your dream job?

I aspire to work as a data epidemiologist. I'm passionate about using statistical analysis and data interpretation to understand patterns of Infectious disease spread and inform public health interventions. By combining my interest in data analysis with my commitment to improving population health, I aim to contribute to the development of evidence-based strategies for disease prevention and control.

What advice would you give someone thinking about getting a degree in public health?

Take the time to reflect on why you're interested in public health and what you hope to achieve with this degree. Once you have a clear understanding of your objectives, research different programs and specializations to find one that aligns with your interests and career aspirations. Gain practical experience in public health through internships, volunteer work, or research projects to enhance your understanding of the field and bolster your resume. Networking with professionals and students in public health can provide valuable insights and opportunities for mentorship and collaboration. Stay informed about current issues and trends in public health to deepen your understanding and make informed decisions about your education and career path.

Any hobbies, interests, etc. outside of public health?

I have a passion for cooking, particularly traditional Chettinad cuisine from South India. If you're ever craving a spicy and flavorful South Indian dish, I'm your go-to person!

What is the best thing about being a student at SPHTM thus far?

The best thing about being a student at SPHTM thus far is the sense of community and collaboration among peers and faculty. SPHTM fosters an inclusive and supportive environment where students are encouraged to engage with each other and with faculty members. This collaborative atmosphere enhances the learning experience and provides valuable networking opportunities.