The Weatherhead School Dean’s Office presents:
Dean’s Leaders and Lagniappe Lecture Series

Join our host Dean Thomas LaVeist as he speaks with visiting public health leaders from the US and beyond in a lecture series held at the Tulane University Celia Scott Weatherhead School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine in downtown New Orleans, Louisiana (and virtually).
The Dean’s Leaders & Lagniappe Lecture Series is a chance to expand our learning and networks, and to introduce our students, faculty, and wider audience to the innovations, ideas, and leadership values from distinguished leaders in public health, and to further broaden our definition of public health.
As stewards of the first school of public health in the nation, The Celia Scott Weatherhead School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine at Tulane University cultivates independent thinkers, innovative leaders, fierce advocates, and accomplished scholars. We seek further knowledge and collaboration that will lead to optimal health and well-being for all.
Through this lecture series, we hope to introduce our audience to the innovations, ideas, and leadership from outside our walls as well.
What is Lagniappe?
This lecture series is also an opportunity to showcase some New Orleans Lagniappe. (noun, something special; an unexpected gift)
Lagniappe to accompany this lecture series will feature local artists and The Weatherhead School collaborators in the Diboll Gallery each month. More information on current art exhibits can be found here.
The Lecture Series began Fall 2023. This series is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served. Registration for in-person or virtual attendance to each lecture in the series is strongly recommended, and that can be done here.