TRMD Faculty

Ruth Ashton, PhD Ruth Ashton, PhD
Associate Professor
Photo of Ronald Blanton Ronald Blanton, MD, MS
Chair of Tropical Medicine
Eric Dumonteil, PhD Eric Dumonteil, PhD
Associate Professor
Joseph Keating, PhD, MA
Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education
Berlin Londono-Renteria headshot, wearing glasses, smiling Berlin Londoño-Renteria, PhD, MSc
Assistant Professor - Arbovirology
Preston Marx, PhD Preston A. Marx, PhD
Professor Emeritus
Photo of  Sarah R Michaels Sarah R. Michaels, PhD, MSPH
Assistant Professor
Troy Moon headshto Troy Moon, MD, MPH
Professor of Tropical Medicine and Pediatrics
Lina Moses, PhD Lina Moses, PhD, MSPH
Associate Professor
Photo of Richard Oberhelman Richard Oberhelman, MD
Professor and Associate Dean for Global Health
Latha Rajan, MD, MPHTM
Associate Professor
Patricia Y. Scaraffia, PhD
Associate Professor
Dawn Wesson, PhD
Associate Professor
Dr. Mark Wiser headshot Mark F. Wiser, PhD
Associate Professor
Dr. Yukich Joshua Yukich, PhD, MPH
Associate Professor

Emeritus Faculty

William E. Bertrand, PhD
Professor Emeritus
Jack CS Ling
Professor Emeritus
Mark Van Landingham Mark J. VanLandingham, PhD
Professor Emeritus