HPM Research/Centers

Research Areas

Faculty in the Department of Health Policy and Management investigate the impact of financing models, organizational structures, processes, laws/regulations, and social determinants that affect quality, cost, and access to health care to improve population health in both domestic and international settings.  HPM faculty have expertise in the areas of health policy, organizational theory and behavior, management, economics, medicine, sociology, political science, and statistics.

Organizational Theory and the Practices

Researchers study factors that contribute to improving the population’s health and the personal health of individuals.

Performance of Health Services

Research contributes to the understanding and improvement of the performance of health services in the United States and globally.

Research Centers

Health Systems Analytics Research Center (HSARC)

HSARC is a collaboration between the Louisiana Public Health Institute and the Tulane University Department of Health Policy and Management. This center has the capacity to design, collect, and analyze statistical data and the strategic expertise to define how those analytic outcomes can be applied given the context of our multi-level healthcare system. 

The HSARC mission is to improve the per­for­mance and effi­ciency of health sys­tems through a sys­tem­atic analy­sis of health data related to human, tech­no­log­i­cal, and social fac­tors affect­ing health outcomes. By doing so, we can:

  1. Inform evidence-based decision-making in clinical settings, health policy, and health systems.
  2. Collaborate with our sponsors to assist them in navigating the strategic options available in light of analytic conclusions.
  3. Develop com­mu­nity part­ner­ships to advance trans­la­tional research using data from health care orga­ni­za­tions, infor­ma­tion exchanges, insur­ance claims, and health ser­vices oper­a­tions.
  4. Pro­vide pro­fes­sional devel­op­ment and train­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties for junior researchers and stu­dents at Tulane Uni­ver­sity and other edu­ca­tional institutions.
  5. Pro­vide oppor­tu­ni­ties for experts from dif­fer­ent dis­ci­plines (aca­d­e­mic, pol­icy and clin­i­cal researchers) to work col­lab­o­ra­tively on issues related to health data analy­sis and its implications.

Current Research Studies

Telemedicine: Disparities in Access and Quality (TDAQ)

The Telemedicine: Disparities in Access and Quality (TDAQ) study is comprised of a series of analyses seeking to determine the impact of the rapid transition to telemedicine in the wake of COVID-19 on Medicaid beneficiaries in Louisiana.

Health Equity and Access Lab

The Tulane Health Equity and Access Lab (HEAL) conducts field experiment-based research focused on measuring the magnitudes and mechanisms of unequal access to healthcare appointments in the United States.