HPM Faculty

Kevin Callison, PhD Kevin Callison, PhD
Associate Professor
Mollye Demosthenidy, headshot Mollye M. Demosthenidy, JD, MHA
Dean of Newcomb-Tulane College
Thomas A. LaVeist, Dean and Professor Weatherhead Presidential Chair in Health Equity Thomas A. LaVeist, PhD
Dean, Weatherhead Chair, & Professor
Yilu Lin smiling, simple headshot Yilu Lin, PhD, MPH
Assistant Professor
Arthur Mora headshot Arthur Mora, PhD, MHA
Professor, Chair
Tatiane Santos Tatiane Santos, PhD, MPH
Assistant Professor
Photo of Dr. Lizheng Shi Lizheng Shi, PhD, MsPharm, MA
Neal A. and Mary Vanselow Chair in Health Management and Policy
Charles Stoecker, PhD, MA
Associate Professor
Thomas Stranova, ScD., MHA (Photo by Rick Olivier) Thomas J. Stranova, ScD, MHA
Associate Professor
Jillian Torres headshot Jillian Torres, PhD, MHA
Assistant Professor
Brigham Walker headshot Brigham Walker, PhD
Assistant Professor
David Washburn headshot David J. Washburn, SCD, SM
Associate Professor

Emeritus Faculty

Claudia Campbell Claudia Campbell
Professor Emerita
Joni Steinberg, PhD, Clinical Associate Professor Joni S. Steinberg, PhD, MS, MPH
Clinical Associate Professor Emerita