Education & Affiliations
Arthur Mora is a Clinical Professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management. He earned a PhD and an MHA from the Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine and a BS from the University of Southern Mississippi. Prior to entering academia, Dr. Mora spent considerable time in clinical quality improvement efforts, particularly in glycemic control, deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis, and stroke protocol development for hospitalized patients. Both in healthcare organizations and in academia, Dr. Mora has been privileged to serve in many leadership roles which has informed his teaching methods and philosophy. Most recently, Dr. Mora served as the Chair of the Department of Health Behavior and Health Systems at the University of North Texas Health Science Center (UNTHSC). He teaches courses in hospital operations and health policy at both the graduate and undergraduate levels and has been awarded the Dean E. Elaine Boston Award for teaching at Tulane and the Outstanding Faculty in Teaching award at UNTHSC. He is an active member of the American College of Healthcare Executives, AcademyHealth, and the Association of University Programs in Health Administration and serves as a fellow for the Council on Accreditation of Health Management Education (CAHME).