SPHTM IT Services
The services catalog is a one-stop location to find information about available IT services.
Tulane network accounts provide access to Tulane computer resources for Tulane’s faculty, staff, and students.
Services and access to tools related to classrooms and computer labs.
SPHTM Faculty and Staff are provided a variety of on-site and remote services for SPHTM devices.
Access to services, equipment, and training for an enriched multimedia classroom.
General information on the Tulane email system.
Support for a wide variety of presentations and events.
Access to the essential network services; including wireless and VPN connectivity throughout Tulane.
In using the computing systems and network, individuals and groups must abide by standards of lawful and ethical behavior.
A wide range of professional services are provided to faculty, staff, and students; ranging from poster printing to WordPress websites for Faculty.
Assuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of Tulane University and its information and information systems.
Software and Tulane Administrative Web Services provided to SPHTM Faculty, Staff, and Students.
Telecommunications provides telephony services to Tulane University.