Education & Affiliations
Johanna Nice is a social scientist with expertise in designing monitoring and reporting systems for community-based initiatives and conducting international survey data collection and operations research for vulnerable populations. Through over a decade of work with the Highly Vulnerable Children Research Center, she has contributed to numerous quantitative and qualitative impact evaluations, shaping evidence-based programming to support children and families affected by HIV in South Africa. Her current research interests focus on optimizing treatment adherence among adolescents and young adults living with HIV, and the use of routine health information system data to improve service delivery for HIV prevention, care and support. She has also contributed to health information system design in the fields of malaria prevention and control, gender-based violence screening and service provision, and cross-border healthcare for displaced populations. She received her PhD in Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease and her MPH in International Health and Development from Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine.
Research Areas
- HIV prevention, care and support
- Adolescent and young adult health
- Program monitoring and evaluation
- Routine health information systems
View Dr. Nice's publications at her NCBI profile page.