Eva Silvestre, PhD

Associate Professor

Associate Dean
Suite 2200
Eva Silvestre, smiling, standing on some stairs, outside

Education & Affiliations

PhD, Tulane University
MA, University of Colorado, Boulder
BS, Cornell University


Eva Silvestre works in the monitoring and evaluation of health and education programs domestically and internationally. Her educational background is in nutrition, anthropology, and public health, and she has experience with both quantitative and qualitative data collection. Dr. Silvestre has worked in the areas of HIV prevention, treatment, and communication, reproductive health, health information systems, health systems strengthening, and technology use in healthcare settings. She worked with a regional health bureau in Ethiopia to improve routine health information data quality and use. Dr. Silvestre was theTulane team lead for Data for Impact, a USAID-funded project that focuses on supporting countries to generate and use high-quality data to improve their programs, policies, and -ultimately- health outcomes. The project also focuses on strengthening local partners' technical and organizational capacity to collect, analyze, and use data to support their move to self-reliance. She has been working on providing guidance on how to use routine data in evaluation. Dr. Silvestre was also co-principal investigator for the USAID-funded GH-PEARL project.

Dr. Silvestre is also a former College Track Mentor for the Tulane Class of 2022 and is now working with the Tulane Office of Academic Excellence and Opportunity as a data strategist. 


Research Areas

  • Health systems
  • Health information
  • HIV
  • M&E of health programs


View Dr. Silvestre's publications at her NCBI profile page.


SPHU 1010 Introduction to Public Health: Epidemics, Revolutions, and Response
SPHU 3110 Social and Behavioral Aspects of Health
SPHU 4220 Latino Health in the US
IHSD 6240 Health Problems of Developing Societies