Dietetic Internship Application Requirements

The Tulane Dietetic Internship is a program with open admissions and considers all qualified applicants. The program accepts students who have completed a bachelor's degree program from any accredited university and have completed the DPD (Didactic Program in Dietetics) curriculum requirements. A master's degree must be completed before or during the dietetic internsihp. Interns must submit graduate final transcript to DI Director before getting DI verification statement. 

Applicants must complete the following:

  1. Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine Dietetic Internship Application
  2. TOEFL scores (for international students)
  3. Check or money order payable to Tulane University for $40.00
  4. Video of applicant answering questions or a Zoom interview with the DI program director. 
  5. Intent to Complete a Master's Degree Form

Please send all School Requirements by February 15 to:

Marsha Piacun, MBA, RD, LDN
Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine
1440 Canal Street, Suite 2200-27, Mail Code #8319
New Orleans, LA  70112

Additional Requirements

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