Marsha Piacun, MBA, RD, LDN
Assistant Professor

Education & Affiliations
Marsha Piacun is a registered dietitian and the program director of the dietetic internship at Tulane. Her degrees are from the University of Texas in Austin and Loyola University. She began her career at Charity Hospital where she directed the School of Nursing food service and compiled information to begin the dietetic traineeship program. She then directed the program for three years. After staying home with her 3 children for several years, she returned to work part time as a dietitian consultant to several healthcare facilities. Over the years, the number of facilities increased. She has consulted to nursing facilities, hospitals, councils on aging, dialysis units, juvenile detention facility, adult day care, head start, and community homes. She was a preceptor to many dietetic interns and dietary managers. A year after Katrina, the Tulane Dietetic Internship program reopened. She became the director of a program that needed more preceptors, rotation sites, and a change in focus. She has enjoyed creating a program that gives students experience in the many areas that a dietitian could practice.
Honors & Awards
- Previous officer in professional organizations
- Previous program planner for seminars with CEUs for dietitians, diet techs, dietary managers