Education & Affiliations
Mark J. VanLandingham, PhD, is Professor Emeritus at Tulane University.
His recent and ongoing research focuses on rural-to-urban migration within Southeast Asia; disaster recovery; and acculturation, health and well-being among Vietnamese immigrants in the United States. His recent book, Weathering Katrina, focuses on these latter two topics.
His office is in Suite 1500 Tidewater.
Dr. VanLandingham with Tulane students and Thai colleagues in Kanchanaburi, Thailand.
Research Areas
- Population Studies
- Immigrant and Refugee Health
- Disaster Recovery
Honors & Awards
- 2021: President’s Award for Excellence in Professional and Graduate Teaching, Tulane University
- 2019: Matilda White Riley Distinguished Lecturer Award, NIH Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research
- 2018: Dean E. Elaine Boston Award for Outstanding Long-Term Commitment to Student Needs, Tulane University SPHTM
- 2013-14: Visiting Scholar, Russell Sage Foundation
- 2008: Fulbright Scholar, Hanoi School of Public Health
- 2007 - Present: Thomas C. Keller Professor, Tulane University SPHTM
Selected recent publications:
VanLandingham, Mark, Trang Nguyen, Cam Tran, NhuNgoc Pham, Bonnie Bui, and Philip Anglewicz. 2023. Building Bridges and Mending Fences: Cultural Conflict and Cultural Brokering Between Academic and Immigrant Communities. Journal of Applied Social Science 17(3): 324-337.
VanLandingham, Mark. 2023. Opinion/Editorial: Make La. a grad’s destination. The Times Picayune/New Orleans Advocate, May 22, 2023.
VanLandingham, Mark. 2022. Opinion/Editorial: Louisiana doesn’t have to face demographic dystopia. The Times Picayune/New Orleans Advocate, January 5, 2022.
VanLandingham, Mark, Bonnie Bui, David Abramson, Sarah Friedman, and Rhae Cisneros. 2022. Health, Mortality, and Natural Disasters. In International Handbook on Population and Environment (Clark Gray and Lori Hunter, editors). Springer.
Zhang, Mengxi, Mark VanLandingham, Yoon Soo Park, Phil Anglewicz, and David Abramson. 2021. Differences in post-disaster mental health among Vietnamese and African Americans living in adjacent communities flooded by Katrina. PLoS One.
Bui, Bonnie, Philip Anglewicz, and Mark VanLandingham. 2021. The impact of early social support on subsequent health recovery after a major disaster: A longitudinal analysis. Social Science and Medicine – Population Health.
Pendley, Sofia, Mark VanLandingham, Ngoc Pham, and Mai Do. 2021. Resilience within Communities of Forced Migrants: State-of-the-Art and the Path Forward. Journal on Migration and Human Security.
Kaji, Aiko; Mark VanLandingham; Philip Anglewicz; and Mai Do. 2021. Trajectories of post-disaster recovery in healthcare access for a major refugee enclave: Vietnamese Americans in post-Katrina New Orleans. Journal of Refugee Studies.
VanLandingham, Mark and Annie L. Glover. 2019. Opinion/Editorial: Better health care is key to abortion decline. The Advocate, March 28, 2019.
VanLandingham, Mark. 2017. Weathering Katrina: Culture and Recovery among Vietnamese-Americans. New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation. Weathering Katrina
VanLandingham, Mark. 2015. Opinion/Editorial: Post-Katrina, Vietnamese Success. Sunday Review; Gray Matter. The New York Times, August 14, 2015. https://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/16/opinion/sunday/post-katrina-vietnamese-success.html
VanLandingham, Mark. 2014. On the hard and soft sciences in public health. Public Health Reports 129(2).
Stroud, Joshua, Mark VanLandingham, and Philip Anglewicz. 2016. Development, demographic processes, and public health. In Hooks, Gregory, editor. Handbook of Development Sociology. Los Angeles: University of California Press.
Nauman, Elizabeth, Mark VanLandingham, Philip Anglewicz, Umaporn Patthavanit, and Sureeporn Punpuing. 2015. Rural-to-urban migration and changes in health among young adults in Thailand. Demography. 52(1): 233-259.
VanLandingham, Mark. 2015. Promoting teamwork, from within and from afar. In Dingwall, Robert, and Mary McDonnell (eds). The Handbook of Research Management. London: Sage.
Fu, Hongyun and Mark VanLandingham. 2012. Mental health consequences of international migration for Vietnamese Americans and the mediating effect of social networks: Results from a natural experiment approach. Demography 49(2): 393-424.
VanLandingham, Mark. 2011. Opinion/Editorial: Making murder count. The New York Times, July 16, 2011. https://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/16/opinion/16vandlandingham.html
View Dr. VanLandingham's other publications at his NCBI profile page.