Education & Affiliations
Keelia O’Malley is the Associate Director for Tulane’s HRSA funded MCH Nutrition Leadership Training Program in which she mentors and provides leadership development experiences for public health nutrition graduate students. Prior to this, Keelia worked for 5 years as the Assistant Director of the Tulane Prevention Research Center, where she managed community-based research, policy advocacy, evaluation, and training activities in New Orleans. Her research focuses on strategies to improve access to healthy foods, most recently through an examination of a local food financing program, the New Orleans Fresh Food Retailer Initiative. She is teaching GCHB 6770 Food and Nutrition Policy and GCHB 7980 Professional Practice Seminar in Nutrition for the Spring 2021 semester.
Research Areas
- Food Access
- Food Policy
- Obesity Prevention
- Social and Environmental Determinants of Dietary Behavior
View Dr. O'Malley's publications at her NCBI profile page.