Kenneth K. Orie, JD, LLM, DrCL, RN
Assistant Professor

Education & Affiliations
Kenneth K. Orie is an environmental public health attorney, and a registered nurse. His law practice involves defending clients who suffer harm from environmental pollution. For example, he represented clients affected by the BP Deep-water Horizon oil spill that occurred in 2010 with lingering public health effects to the present. He also represented clients who suffered harm from exposure to Di-N-Propyl-amine spill in Harvey Louisiana -a litigation that lasted for nearly nine years. His research involves framing law and policy models for delivery of sustainable environmental public health. This is evident in his work on land use policies in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina; occupational health social policy as encapsulated in the Louisiana Worker's compensation scheme; and law and policy aspects of managing the Louisiana coastal environment in light of global climate change threats. Orie teaches public health law, occupational laws & compliance, environmental health management, and global climate change: issues in public health policy and governance. Orie also brings his experience as a registered nurse to his students as well as to public health practice in the community.
Research Areas
- Global public health law and policy
- Environmental policy and management systems
Please view Dr. Orie's publications at his NCBI profile page.