Asia (Nepal, Russia, Philippines, Tajikistan)
- Shrimpton, Mbuya, Provo: The Double Burden of Malnutrition in East Asia and the Pacific: Evidence and Lessons from a Multisectoral Perspective
- Geniez et al: Integrating food poverty and minimum cost diet methods into a single framework: a case study using a Nepalese household expenditure survey
- Rose: Assessing Food Security at WFP: Towards a Unified Approach
- Hotchkiss and Mock: The effect of the health care supply environment on children's nutritional status in rural Nepal
- Mason et al: Iodine fortification is related to increased weight-for-age and birthweight in children in Asia
- Mason et al: Iodine fortification is related to increased weight-for-age and birthweight in children in Asia
- Welch, Mock et al: Health and nutrition in children under 2 years of age in three areas of the Russian Federation
- Mangani and Mock et al: Breast-feeding, water and sanitation, and childhood malnutrition in the Philippines
- Gussler and Mock: A comparative description of infant feeding practices in Zaire, the Philippines and St. Kitts‐Nevis
Africa (Mozambique, Malawi, Kenya, South Africa, Madagascar, Somalia, South Sudan, Djibouti)
- Morrow et al: Rooting for the Future: On-Farm Trees Contribution to Household Energy Security and Asset Creation as a Resilient Development Pathway: Evidence from a 20 Year Panel in Rural Ethiopia
- Downie et al (Somalia Resilience Program – SomReP): Positive Deviance in Somalia: Why are some households more resilient than others?
- Morrow, Mock et al: Knowing Just in Time: Use cases for mobile surveys in the humanitarian world
- Luckett et al: Application of the Nutrition Functional Diversity indicator to assess food system contributions to dietary diversity and sustainable diets of Malawian households
- Condo, Gage, Mock et al: Sex differences in nutritional status of HIV-exposed children in Rwanda: A longitudinal study
- Neumann, Oace, Chaparro et al: Low vitamin B12 intake during pregnancy and lactation and low breastmilk vitamin 12 content in rural Kenyan women consuming predominantly maize diets
- Rose: Assessing Food Security at WFP: Towards a Unified Approach
- Rivers, Mason, Rose et al: The impact of orphanhood on food security in the high-HIV context of Blantyre, Malawi
- Rose et al: A Comparative Evaluation of Dietary Indicators Used in Food Consumption Assessments of At-Risk Populations
- Rose and Tschirley: Predicting Dietary Intakes with Simple Food Recall Information: a Case Study from Rural Mozambique
- Rose et al: Quantitative indicators from a food expenditure survey can be used to target the food insecure in South Africa
- Rose et al: Evaluation of a Rapid Field Tool for Assessing Household Diet Quality in Mozambique
- Rose et al: Prevalence of household food poverty in South Africa: results from a large, nationally representative survey
- Charlton and Rose: Nutrition among older adults in Africa: the situation at the beginning of the millenium
- Rose and Tschirley: A Simplified Method for Assessing Dietary Adequacy in Mozambique
- Mock et al: Intra-household correlations in maternal-child nutritional status in rural Guinea: Implications for programme-screening strategies
- Dikassa, Mock et al: Maternal Behavioural Risk Factors for Severe Childhood Diarrhoeal Disease in Kinshasa, Zaire
- Kahn & Mock et al: Is Madagascar becoming increasingly vulnerable to food crises?
- Mock et al: The relationship between maternal and child nutritional status in rural Guinea
- Bertrand, Mock and Franklin: Differential Correlates of Nutritional Status in Kinshasa, Zaire
- Mock et al: Correlates and implications of breast-feeding practices in Bas Zaire
- Franklin, Bertrand and Mock el al: Feeding Patterns of Infants and Young Children in Kinshasa, Zaire
South America (Brazil, Peru, El Salvador, Guatemala)
- Chaparro et al: The association between the neighbourhood social environment and obesity in Brazil: a cross-sectional analysis of the ELSA-Brasil study
- Trirado et al: Mapping of nutrition and sectoral policies addressing malnutrition in Latin America
- Chaparro et al: Association between food assistance program participation and overweight
- Rose: Assessing Food Security at WFP: Towards a Unified Approach
- Chaparro and Estrada: Mapping the nutrition transition in Peru: evidence for decentralized nutrition policies
- Rose et al: Understanding the role of potatoes in the Peruvian diet: An approach that combines food composition with household expenditure data
- Rose: Interventions to reduce household food insecurity: A synthesis of current concepts and approaches for Latin America
- Mock and Bertrand: Conceptual framework for nutrition surveillance systems
- Rose et al: Infant mortality rates before, during, and after a nutrition and health intervention in rural Guatemalan villages
Europe (Britain and Sweden)
- Chaparro et al: Is the association between self-rated health and underlying biomarker levels is modified by age, gender, and household income? Evidence from Understanding Society - The UK Household Longitudinal Study
- Chaparro et al: Neighborhood deprivation and biomarkers of health in Britain: the mediating role of the physical environment
- Chaparro, Koupil, and Byberg: Maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index and offspring body composition in young adulthood: The modifying role of offspring sex and birth order
- Chaparro et al: Childhood family structure and women's adult overweight risk: A longitudinal study
- Chaparro, Ivarsson, and Koupil et al: Regional inequalities in pre-pregnancy overweight and obesity in Sweden, 1992, 2000 and 2010
- Chaparro and Koupil: The impact of parental educational trajectories on their adult offspring’s overweight/obesity status: a study of three generations of Swedish men and women