MD/MPH Research Opportunities

Dr. Krousel-Wood and MD/MPH alumnus Cameron Callaghan discuss research poster presentation strategy

MD/MPH students have many opportunities to get involved in research at both the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine (SPHTM) and at the School of Medicine (SOM), and participate preparing abstracts, scientific presentations, reports and manuscripts to understand and address important medical and public health challenges.

The MD/MPH Program offers the following opportunities and resources:

  • Instructional sessions and research publication and presentation resources
  • Research scholarships for mentored research projects
  • Year-out, mentored research program (NIH funded)
  • Southern Society for Clinical Investigation (SSCI) conference registration fees for MD/MPH students with accepted abstracts

For more information on Research Scholarships, please visit the MD/MPH Funding & Scholarships page and select the “Research-Based Scholarships” option at the bottom of the menu.

All MD/MPH students engage in population-based research and/or quality improvement projects. Students are advised to explore options by:

  • reviewing department-specific websites (see below) which provide an overview of SPHTM faculty and centers with active research
  • discussing options with their MD/MPH Faculty Advisor
  • working with the staff in the Office of Public Health and Medical Education, which houses the MD/MPH Program, to assist in finding mentors and faculty advisors for research. The office also provides a list of opportunities for projects and mentors for the required MD/MPH Rotation (T3/T4 year).

To explore research opportunities and centers within the SPHTM, students are encouraged to view current research initiatives via the following SPHTM departmental research pages:

To explore research opportunities at the SOM, students are encouraged to view the SOM Student Affairs -- Research Opportunities page.

MD/MPH students are encouraged to report their formal research activities, publications, and presentations to the program office at

Please contact the MD/MPH program office at 504-988-7055 or with any questions.