The Tulane CEMCH works with a number of SPHTM faculty to advance MCH science, research, practice and policy, and achieve optimal maternal, infant, child, adolescent, and family health outcomes in the United States and Louisiana. Linking faculty and students in a research environment fosters a greater understanding of research techniques and awareness of national research priorities for our future public health professionals. Our diverse body of student and faculty provide a stimulating and innovative environment for MCH research and a link to practice. The CEMCH also provides support to teaching and exposure to practice that focuses on training students for leadership-oriented public health roles that embody the MCH competencies.

Caryn Bell, PhD, MPH
Assistant Professor
Expertise: Impacts of socioeconomic status (SES) and place on cardiovascular disease risk factors in Black Americans and racial disparities; ways in which SES is associated with obesity and related behaviors; spatial statistics and mapping approaches
Research: Health in Black Americans, cardiovascular disease risk factors, structural racism, spatial statistics, gender
Gretchen Clum, PhD, MS
Associate Professor
Expertise: Violence and traumatic stress, adolescent and women's health, mental health, HIV prevention, nutrition and physical activity
Research: Relationships among stress and health outcomes in women, adolescent health, risk behaviors, PTSD, HIV prevention
Mark Dal Corso, MD, MPH
Associate Professor
Expertise: Child health, preventive medicine
Research: Immigrant health
Francoise Grossmann, RN, MPH
Assistant Professor
Expertise: Women's health, obstetrics, asynchronous Internet learning
Research: Preconception education, international women's health, health across the lifespan

Julia Fleckman, PhD, MPH
Assistant Professor
Expertise: Prevention of violence, evaluation of structural and community-level mechanisms for the prevention of gun violence, childhood adversity, and intimate partner violence, and how such mechanisms can be influenced to reduce risk for violence and promote health equity
Research: Violence prevention, health equity, social epidemiology, community-based participatory research

Juliette Frazier, MPH
CEMCH Program manager
Expertise: Maternal and child health, women’s health, emergency preparedness, environmental health
Research: International disaster management

Melissa Fuster, PhD, MS
Associate Professor
Expertise: Examining the contextual factors influencing food practices and the policies and interventions implemented to improve them, examining underlying social determinants of diet-related health inequities, with a focus on Latin American communities and its diaspora communities, diet-related disparities
Research: Diet-related health disparities, food security, food environments, social determinants of health, Latin America and the Caribbean

Lolita Moss, PhD, MSW
Associate Professor
Expertise: Examining the contextual factors influencing food practices and the policies and interventions implemented to improve them, examining underlying social determinants of diet-related health inequities, with a focus on Latin American communities and its diaspora communities, diet-related disparities
Research: Diet-related health disparities, food security, food environments, social determinants of health, Latin America and the Caribbean

Shokufeh Mojgani Ramirez, PhD, MPH
Assistant Professor, Associate Director of CEMCH, and Director of MCH Academic Program
Expertise: Public health practice, racial health equity, workforce development Research: Preparing the public health workforce to address racism
Teaches: SBPS 6510 Essential Issues in Maternal and Child Health and SBPS 7510 Maternal Child Health: The Life Course Perspective, required of all MCH students
Karis Schoellmann, MPH
Assistant Professor
Expertise: Applied public health, health promotion
Research: Formative market research, preconception health, sudden unexpected infant death (SUID), upstream provider influencers
Teaches required MCH course SBPS 7510 Maternal and Child Health: The Life Course Perspective
Katherine Theall, PhD, MPH
Professor, Director of CEMCH
Expertise: Social epidemiology, women's reproductive health, research methods in social and behavioral sciences
Research: Women and children’s health, community and social network influences on health outcomes, race and gender inequities, substance use and mental health, social epidemiologic theory and methods
Dovile Vilda, PhD, MSc
Assistant Professor
Expertise: Policy analysis, maternal and child health, women's health equity, reproductive health and rights
Research: Role of social determinants and state-level policies in contributing to the higher rates of maternal and infant mortality mixed methods
Teaches: SBPS 6490 Key Policies and Programs in Maternal and Child Health, required of all MCH students