MHA in the Accelerated Master’s Program

The MHA program requires a minimum of 54 graduate credits plus an Administrative Residency.

Accelerated Master’s Degree students take up to four graduate courses during their senior year, for a total of 12 credits that may be applied to both the undergraduate degree and the MHA degree requirements. Public health majors may apply all 12 credits towards the major elective requirement. Public health minors may apply 9 credits towards the public health minor elective requirement.

Fall Semester
HPAM 6050 Health Systems Concepts (3)
HPAM 6200 Introduction to Healthcare Analytics (3)

Spring Semester
HPAM 6300 Data Visualization and Communication for Health Care Management (3)
HPAM 6710 Quantitative Decision Models (3)

Students must score a C or higher in these courses to earn credit for the graduate program.

The MHA program is a single program and students complete the MHA along with other students in their cohort over two years, including the Administrative Residency. As a result, Accelerated Master’s Degree students may only begin the MHA program in the fall semester.

Learn more about the MHA Program.