MPH, MSPH, or MPH&TM in the Accelerated Master's Program

The MPH, MSPH, and MPH&TM degrees require 45 credits plus an Applied Practical Experience and an Integrative Learning Experience.

Accelerated Master’s Degree students take up to four graduate foundational core courses during their senior year, for a total of 12 credits that may be applied to both the undergraduate degree and the MPH, MSPH, or MPH&TM degree requirements. Public health majors may apply all 12 credits towards the major elective requirement. Public health minors may apply 9 credits towards the public health minor elective requirement.

Accelerated Master’s Degree students take the following foundational core courses:

SPHL 6020 Foundations in Public Health (3) (This course is waived for BSPH students.)
SPHL 6050 Biostatistics for Public Health (3)
SPHL 6060 Epidemiology for Public Health (3) 
SPHL 6070 Health Systems, Policy and Management (3)
SPHL 6080 Design Strategies in Public Health Programs (3)

Students must score a C or higher in these courses to earn credit for the graduate program.

The MPH, MSPH, and MPH&TM portion of the Accelerated Master’s Degree may be completed in approximately 1½- 2 years after graduation from the undergraduate degree. An MPH, MSPH, or MPH&TM degree typically takes 2 to 2½ years to complete, so the Accelerated Master’s Degree provides a time savings of approximately one (1) semester. Actual completion time may vary depending on the number of credits students complete per semester and the time to complete the practicum and integrated learning experience.

Learn more about the MPH, MSPH, and MPH&TM Degrees.