MD/MPH Student Group

Welcome to Tulane! We are so glad that you have decided to pursue a joint MD/MPH degree here.

We are the MD/MPH Student Group, second-year students who serve as liaisons between students and faculty involved in the program.

Taking graduate public health classes on top of medical school coursework is exciting, rewarding, and challenging. We are here to assist you in any way we can — from helping you plan your schedule, to hosting mixers with other students and faculty, to just being available to discuss whatever concerns you may have.

The MD/MPH representatives from many of the public health departments listed below welcome you to contact them with any questions.

Again, welcome and best of luck! We look forward to meeting with you.


The MD/MPH Student Group Executive Committee

Bridget Bunda, Epidemiology Representative

Bridget Bunda

Anthony DeFelice, Social, Behavioral, & Population Sciences Representative

Anthony DeFelice
Community Health Sciences (GCHB/SBPS)

April Wang, Tropical Medicine Representative

April Wang
Tropical Medicine

Brianna Young  Community Health Sciences Representative

Brianna Young 
Community Health Sciences (GCHB/SBPS)