MPH in Community Health Sciences MD/MPH Program Requirements

The MPH in Community Health Sciences (CHS) program, in the Department of Social, Behavioral, and Population Sciences (SBPS), is designed to train public health generalists who will apply the principles of social and behavioral sciences to plan, design, implement, monitor, and evaluate public health programs in a broad range of community-based settings.  Successful public health programs require trained professionals knowledgeable about social determinants of health and health disparities, and who are able to apply that knowledge to assess the health needs of communities and design evidence-based programs that change health behaviors and improve health outcomes. The CHS program provides a foundation in social and behavioral aspects of public health, in addition to training in the cornerstone areas for public health practitioners: 1) planning and design of public health programs, and 2) monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of these programs to assess their effectiveness and impact. Because community-based approaches are so widespread throughout public health, the program builds in enhanced flexibility for the student to develop – with their advisor - their own learning plan to apply these core concepts in program planning and M&E through coursework in various content areas in SBPS, according to the interests of the individual student. This program is designed for mid-career professionals and joint professional degree students (e.g. MD/MPH or MSW/MPH) who may want to incorporate public health programs into their other professional activities.

Career paths of graduates:

Primary care or specialty care physicians involved in programs for populations at risk.  Research program director, state health director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officer, or potential clinical and program policy positions with local, national, or international focus.

Degree Program Requirements and Competencies

For MPH in Community Health Sciences:

Students must meet with an advisor before starting the program to outline their program of study and then at least once a semester to track progress. Students will compile a portfolio of assignments as outcomes demonstrating program competencies.

Students are allowed to begin coursework the summer before starting School of Medicine Courses or during the Spring Semester of their T1 Year.  They may not begin coursework during the Fall Semester of their T1 year (unless they are graduates of the Tulane ACP (Anatomy Certification Program).  Students who are doing the 5-Year MD/MPH Program have more flexibility and should meet with their advisor to schedule coursework.    

Important Note for MD/MPH Students – Students should plan on completing ALL the SPHTM Core Courses during the summer sessions (Before T1 Year or between T1 and T2 Years).  It is extremely difficult to fit those courses into the Fall and Spring semesters when students are taking other Public Health Courses.

Important Note for MD/MPH Students:  Although there are many courses that are considered Essential Skills Application courses most are not offered during the Wednesday and Friday afternoon time slots in which MD/MPH Students are allowed to take SPHTM courses.  The model schedule below shows MD/MPH students which courses fit into their SOM schedule and the best times to take them.

Other Elective Credits (10 credits)

MD/MPH students receive 10 credits transferred from the Tulane SOM for completing specific coursework with public health relevance.

Applied Practice Experience (SPHL 9980)

All SBPS MD/MPH students must complete a 200-hour field practicum during the MD/MPH Rotation, for which they will register in the SOM during their T3 or T4 year.

Integrative Learning Experience (SPHL 7950)

All students must complete an Integrative Learning Experience (ILE) (formerly culminating experience) that demonstrates the synthesis of foundational and concentration competencies. For CHS, the experience is a Public Health Analysis, an in-depth written report that considers a topic of relevance to public health practice. It involves a thorough review of the literature, discussion, and recommendations for public health policy and practice.

Advising Statement

The flexibility in course selection requires that each student must document the fulfillment of program competencies. Students must meet with their advisor before starting the program, during the first semester, and at least once a semester thereafter. By the end of the first semester, the student and advisor complete a program plan to meet the application learning objectives. The program plan is reviewed regularly and modified as necessary. At the regular meetings, student and their advisor assesses progress toward competencies. Students must compile a portfolio with papers, projects, presentations, and other work demonstrating program competencies. 

Admission Requirements

The CHS program is suited for mid-career professionals and for professional students in the MD/MPH and MSW/MPH. As a generalist program, it is not recommended for BSPH/MPH students. Students applying to the Master of Public Health in Community Health Sciences must meet the school's admission requirements.

Contact Us

MD/MPH Director: Rachael Ruiz Currier

MD/MPH Senior Program Coordinator:  Taylor Schwab

MD/MPH SBPS Faculty Advisor: Mark Dal Corso, MD, MPH


Phone: (504) 988-7055