Eta Chapter
The Delta Omega Honorary Society is the public health honorary society for accredited schools and programs of public health. The society has been active in advancing public health education, practice, and research for more than 75 years. Originally founded in 1924 at the Johns Hopkins University, the society has more than 90 national chapters.
The purpose of the Society is to encourage excellence in student scholarship and research and to recognize academic and professional achievement in the field of public health. The national office is housed at the Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH).

About the Eta Chapter
The Eta Chapter was formed in 1950 and is housed in the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine at Tulane University. Members are elected for nomination annually from the graduating students, faculty, and alumni. Annual events include Delta Omega Week, the Fall/Spring Guest Speaker, Spring Poster Award, and the Outstanding Dissertation Award.

Correspondence Address
Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine
Delta Omega Honorary Society in Public Health - Eta Chapter
1440 Canal Street, Mailbox #8316
New Orleans, LA 70112
Current President
Claudia Herrera Bernal, PhD, MSc
Department: Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease