Emily Harville, PhD


Program director, PhD in Epidemiology
Suite 2041
Emily Harville, PhD, Epidemiology Faculty

Education & Affiliations

PhD, Epidemiology, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
MSPH, Epidemiology, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
BA, Biology, Oberlin College


Dr. Emily Harville is a perinatal epidemiologist with interests in how pregnancy and reproduction relate to health throughout the life course, including the mechanisms by which health disparities are created. She is the co-director of the Southern Center for Maternal Health Equity, one of the IMPROVE initiative's Centers of Excellence.  Other major projects include studying the relationship between reproductive and cognitive health in the Bogalusa Heart Study; effects of disaster, including the COVID pandemic, on pregnant and postpartum women; and creating a consortium of preconception health studies (the PrePARED Consortium).  She teaches the third-level epidemiologic methods course, EPID 7130 Observational Epidemiology, EPID 6600 Epidemiology of Disparities, and SPHU 3170 Foundations of Epidemiology.

Research Areas

  • Reproductive and perinatal epidemiology
  • Health disparities
  • Life course epidemiology
  • Disaster


View Dr. Harville's publications at her NCBI profile page.


EPID 6600 Social Epidemiology: Mechanisms of Disparities
EPID 7130 Observational Epidemiology
EPID 8000 Doctoral Journal Club