10 Years of Mentorship Celebration at Celia Scott Weatherhead SPHTM

Wednesday February 5th 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Room: Online

Join us to celebrate 10 years of formal mentorship at the Tulane University Celia Scott Weatherhead School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine!

Founded in 2014 by alumna, Dr. Sue Griffey, and launched in 2015 in collaboration with Career Services, the SPHTM Alumni Mentoring Program has matched over 400 students to alumni for a series of career conversations. 

During this webinar, you will learn about the history of the program and its impact over the last decade as well as hear from past mentors and mentees about their experience. 

If you are a student looking to be matched, an alum looking to get involved, or a faculty or staff member seeking to learn more, please join. All are welcome!

Register: https://events.zoom.us/ev/AsEN-J4s7VYzojREM0V3EQowx__OimDQ7SfZLE4fx8TmOiLXellv~Ap2X3EBQ2nzvZuW71s38a1KlwFlcpqlDatqAJWPCwuFqwFGg_3NLvHivyA


    Dr. Sue Griffey (Founder and Mentor Emeritus) Dr. Chris Murrill (Mentor from Fall 2015 - Present) Dr. Alexandra Duncan (Mentor in 2023) Jeremy Reimann (Mentor from Fall 2022 – Present, SPHTM Alumni Association Executive Board Member) Tiani Jones (Former Mentee): Pan Hu (Former Mentee)  Catie Seltz-Drew Fesko (Former Mentee) Helina Shiferaw (Former Mentee)
Open To: Public
Admission: Free
For more information on this event: https://tulane.campuslabs.com/engage/event/10802872