Dr. Arthur Mora named chair of Department of Health Policy and Management

Dr. Thomas LaVeist, dean of the Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, has announced that Dr. Arthur Mora will become chair of the Department of Health Policy and Management, effective March 1, 2024. He assumes this role from Dr. Lizheng Shi, who has served as interim chair of the department since 2020.
“Arthur Mora has always been a champion for health policy and management and was integral to the Master of Health Administration program’s rise in the national rankings,” said LaVeist in his announcement. “I look forward to the ways he will continue to raise the profile of the department.”
Mora’s career has spanned higher education, the pharmaceutical industry, and healthcare industry and includes extensive ties to Tulane. He earned a Master of Health Administration from Tulane in 1998 as well as a PhD in Global Health Management in 2014. He was on faculty in the department now called Health Policy and Management from 2014 through 2019, when he left to chair the Department of Health Behavior and Health Systems at the University of North Texas Health Sciences Center.
“Tulane is my home,” said Mora. “I feel so honored to have been chosen to work with such talented faculty and staff as we fulfill our mission of improving public health and healthcare delivery…a mission that began with the founding of the department 57 years ago and advanced most recently by my predecessor Dr. Lizheng Shi.”
His curriculum vitae includes awards and recognition as both a student and a professor, along with a history of service to the professional, university, school, and department communities. He currently sits on the Standards Council and serves as a Fellow on the Commission for Accreditation on Healthcare Management (CAHME), the accrediting body for health management education programs, an important contribution professionally. Mora’s work focuses on quality improvement and operations management in health care delivery, and he has a track record of publishing and presentation in this and related areas.
In the announcement, LaVeist also thanked Shi “for his exceptional service as interim chair” over the past three years.