Tulane Career Development Club

The purpose of the Tulane Career Development Club (CD Club) is to bring together research-focused junior faculty across Tulane University who are engaged in building their careers in health sciences and related research. The CD Club provides these junior faculty members with the opportunity to network with other junior and senior faculty members, and to gain important information on strategic career planning, networking for career advancement, effective grant writing, publication submission, and other relevant topics.

The Tulane CD Club  is the result of an interdisciplinary collaboration effort between the principal investigators/lead faculty of several junior faculty training programs. Although not required, many of the participating faculty are also involved in one of the junior faculty training programs at Tulane including the Building Interdisciplinary Research Careers in Women's Health (BIRCWH) Program (Principal Investigator: Dr. M.A. "Tonette" Krousel-Wood), Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) (Principal Investigators: S. Michal Jazwinski, PhD and Jiang He, MD, PhD), and the Louisiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Center (LA CaTS) grant (Principal Investigator: Lee Hamm, MD).

Future meetings to be announced. Here are some of our previous meeting topics and speakers.

  • At the Helm: Setting up your own lab, led by Jay Kolls, MD, Professor of Medicine & Pediatrics; John W Deming Endowed Chair in Internal Medicine; Director, Center for Translational Research in Infection and Inflammation Tulane School of Medicine.
  • Pitching Your Research: From the lab to the real-world...What will you say? An Interactive Workshop, led by Ashley Keller Nelson, Professor of Practice, A.B. Freeman School of Business, Tulane University
  • Preparing and Justifying Your Research Budget--NIH and Beyond! led by Kathleen Kozar, Director, Sponsored Projects Administration
  • Managing and Evaluating Employee Performance: Principles, Tools, and Strategies for Success, led by Tonya Patterson and Stacey Schwankhart, Human Resources
  • Increasing Research Productivity: A Spotlight on Tulane's Research Resources, featuring Tulane's VP for Research, Dr. Giovanni Piedimonte and representatives from the Office of Research Proposal Development, Corporate and Foundation Relations, and Clinical Research Programs.
  • The Importance of Sex as a Modifier of Disease, led by Franck Mauvais-Jarvis, MD, PhD, Professor, Department of Medicine and Pharmacology and Sarah Lindsay, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Medicine and Pharmacology
  • What's Your H Index?: Tools for Measuring & Monitoring Your Scientific Impact, led by Raquel Horlick, Howard-Tilton Memorial Library
  • Fostering Research Team Success: Strategies for Junior Faculty Mentors (an interactive workshop), led by Tonette Krousel-Wood, MD, MSPH, Associate Provost for the Health Sciences 
  • Federal Funding: Finding a Way for Dollars to Make Sense - Creating a Research Budget, led by Kathleen Kozar, Director, Sponsored Projects Administration
  • Spoiler Alert! What Your Reviewers Are Saying About Your Proposal - A Mock NIH Grant Review, led by Prescott Deininger, PhD, Professor of Epidemiology, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine
  • Rigor & Transparency - Practical Applications, led by Drs. Laura Levy, Vice President for Research and John Lefante, Professor and Chair of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
  • Translational Research, led by Dr. Elizabeth Norton, Assistant Professor of Immunology & Microbiology
  • Tulane Resources and Core Facilities, led by Dr. Kathleen Hering-Smith, Research Associate Professor, Department of Medicine

Can't make the meeting, but want to learn more? Click here to request the material!

More Information

Richard Brunies

Program Manager


(504) 314-2830

M.A. "Tonette" Krousel-Wood, MD, MSPH

BIRCWH Principal Investigator/Program Director

Professor of Medicine and Professor of Epidemiology

Associate Provost for the Health Sciences
