Sodium Lowering and Urinary Protein Reduction Trial (SUPER)

What is the SUPER trial?

The SUPER trial is being done to learn if reducing salt in the diet could improve the level of protein in urine.

In this study, we will randomly put 150 people into two groups. Participants will have an equal chance of being in either group. One group will help participants reduce their sodium intake and the other group will continue with their usual diet. The goal is to see if people who participate in the reduced sodium group will have less protein in their urine than those eating their usual diet.

All participants will complete five clinic visits over the six-month study. The sodium reduction group will complete additional dietary counseling sessions.

What are the benefits of the study to participants?

  • Participants will receive multiple blood pressure, weight, and lab tests during the trial and the results will be provided to your primary care physician.
  • Participants will receive free counseling sessions with a dietitian to learn how to eat less sodium.
  • Knowledge gained from this study may help patients with chronic kidney disease in the future.
  • Once in the study, you will receive gift cards for participating.

You may be eligible to participate if…

  • You are 21 years of age or older.
  • Your doctor has found early signs of reduced kidney function.
  • You have never had a kidney transplant or dialysis.

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