Education & Affiliations
Arsene Binanga, MPH, MD, has been Tulane’s Director for Family Planning Programs in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) since April 1, 2013. In this position, he serves as country representative for several projects: (1) The Promis-PF (a Norway funded project to extend Family Planning coverage in DRC, (2) the ACQUAL Project (funded by the Bill and Melinda Foundation and Lucie and Packard), (3) the Track 20 project to improve routine information systems in the DRC and (4) the AFP project to ensure continuous Government commitment in support of FP. He is also the Advance Family Planning Representative (www.AdvanceFamilyPlanning.org). In this role, Dr. Binanga works closely with DRC officials as well as all FP stakeholders on Advance Family Planning’s agenda.
Prior to joining Tulane, Dr. Binanga worked at Georgetown University’s Institute for Reproductive Health (www.irh.org) for ten years (Nov. 2003 - March 2013) as DRC Country Director where he introduced and scaled up the Standard Days Method for pregnancy prevention; he worked for Christian Aid for two years (Nov. 2001 - Oct. 2003) as Program Manager to implement HIV/AIDS projects aimed at providing support and care to people living with HIV/AIDS and their families; and seven years (1994 - July 2001) as the Director and Program Manager of 3’C’Santé, a Congolese NGO specializing on HIV/AIDS prevention and STI prevention and treatment in the student areas of Kinshasa. Dr. Binanga has also worked as a consultant with DKT to pilot misoprostol use for post-partum hemorrhage prevention and for post abortion care. He served as President of the Multi Sectorial Family Planning working group from September 2010 to December 2018.
Research Pilot as Advocacy: The case of Sayana Press in Kinshasa, DRC. Binanga A, Bertrand JaneT. Global Health: Science and Practice. Global Health: Science and Practice December 2016, 4(4):542-551
Family Planning Supply Environment in Kinshasa, DRC: Survey Findings and Their Value in Advancing Family Planning Programming. Kayembe P, Babazadeh S, Dikamba N, Akilimali P, Hernandez J, Binanga A, Bertrand JT. Global health, science and practice. 2015; 3(4):630-45.
Family Planning Policy Environment in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Levers of Positive Change and Prospects for Sustainability.Mukaba T, Binanga A, Fohl S, Bertrand JT.
Global health, science and practice. 2015; 3(2):163-73.
Using mapping of service delivery sites to increase contraceptive availability in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo.Bertrand JT, Kayembe P, Dikamba N, Mafuta E, Hernandez J, Hellen J, Binanga A. International perspectives on sexual and reproductive health. 2014; 40(2):95-9.