Claudia Campbell, PhD, MA

Professor Emerita

Claudia Campbell

Education & Affiliations

Post-Doctoral Fellow, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland
PhD, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri
MA, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee
BA, Lincoln Memorial University, Harrogate, Tennessee


After receiving her doctorate in economics from Washington University in St. Louis in 1988, Dr. Campbell began her academic career at Saint Louis University (SLU) as assistant professor in the department of health administration. In 1991, she completed a one year post-doctoral Robert Wood Johnson Faculty Fellowship in health care finance at Johns Hopkins University. During the fellowship, Campbell interned at the corporate offices of the Daughters of Charity West Central Region in St. Louis. In 1998, she was named chair of the SLU health administration department where she taught courses in health care financial management, managed care, and public finance. In July 2002, Dr. Campbell joined the Department of Health Systems Management at Tulane where she served as Department Chair through July 2007. Campbell has taught courses in health economics and mentored doctoral students. Campbell has published a number of peer-reviewed articles and book chapters and has co-authored the textbook, Financial Management in a Managed Care Environment, published by Delmar. She has also conducted research into mental health access and birth outcomes, care access among the Latino population in New Orleans, and the efficiency and effectiveness of the health system with a particular emphasis on use of information technology in primary care settings.  


Research Areas

  • Efficiency of health systems; health care costs and access among vulnerable populations

Honors & Awards

  • 2003 Delta Phi Omega member, Eta Chapter, Tulane University SPHTM
  • 2000 Certificate of Leadership Award, YWCA Metro St. Louis, MO
  • 1996 Teacher of the Year, Saint Louis University School of Public Health.
  • 1990-1993 Robert Wood Johnson Faculty Fellowship in Health Care Finance.
  • 1984 Research Fellowship, Division of Health Care Research, Washington University Medical School
  • 1969 Senior History Award, Lincoln Memorial University, Harrogate, TN.
  • 1969 Phi Alpha Theta, History Honorary Fraternity.
  • Member of Association of University Programs in Health Administration
  • Member of American College of Healthcare Executives
  • Member of American Public Health Association



View Dr. Campbell's publications at her NCBI link.