Tulane SPHTM Research Data Center

The Tulane SPHTM Research Data Center (RDC) specializes in the areas of data capture, management, security, and storage and seeks to establish Tulane as a global leader in these highly practical areas to facilitate large interdisciplinary research proposals and meet the demands for enhanced scientific rigor and transparency requirements. The RDC consolidates data capture and management resources into a core facility and provides a restricted access location for data management activities. The RDC works with SPHTM Information Technology to provide infrastructure and technical support and interconnects researchers and technical staff with expertise in data capture and management. Dr. Jeffrey Shaffer serves as the Director of the RDC and is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biostatistics and Data Science with considerable experience in setting up and overseeing data capture and management systems across West Africa. 

Services Offered

Services and areas of specialization:

  • Setup and oversight of mobile data collection systems
  • Setup and oversight of online and offline data capture and management systems
  • Questionnaire and case report form design (paper-based and electronic)
  • Data curation, management, and integration
  • Study design, sample size assessment, and rigor and transparency requirements
  • Data monitoring and reporting
  • Global positioning system (GPS) data collection
  • Mapping and spatial analysis
  • Data sharing, archival, storage, and preservation

These services are available for both domestic and international research projects.


Contact Us

Department Chair: John Lefante, PhD

Director: Jeffrey Shaffer, PhD

Administrative Program Coordinator: Farhana Chaudhry

Email: bios@tulane.edu

Phone: (504) 988-2042