Shades of Public Health: Alumni Panel (and brunch)

Sunday April 6th 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Room: Celia Scott Weatherhead School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine

The landscape of public health can be fraught with upheaval at the best of times, and is even more turbulent now - so how can we collectively navigate that pivot? Join a panel of Celia Scott Weatherhead School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine alumni on Sunday, April 6 at 11:00 a.m. in the Diboll Gallery and Auditorium of the Tidewater Building (1440 Canal Street, New Orleans). This event is free and open to the community, and will serve as a lead-in to the Breakthrough Film Festival.


Please RSVP here:

Open To: Public
Admission: Free
For more information on this event: