This is New Orleans Documentary Film Screening

Saturday June 8th 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Room: The Broad Theater

For a year, the Enrichment 2 Empowerment program has supported young people in understanding the root causes of violence and its impact on themselves, their families, and their neighborhoods. Engaged participants interviewed dozens of New Orleanians to reveal the reality behind slanted media narratives and discover hope in the present and for the future. This documentary screening is the next step in their goal of creating a social action campaign based upon their experience and insight.

This free and public event includes the documentary screening as well as discussion on Saturday, June 8 from 11 am to 1 pm at The Broad Theater. Click here to reserve your free ticket(s).

Enrichment 2 Empowerment is a programing within the Center for Youth Equity, a research-hub at the Violence Prevention Institute of Tulane University. E2E focuses on youth led conversations and decision-making as well as social-emotional learning to cultivate mutual respect and apply principles of Youth Participatory Action Research, an innovative approach rooted in social justice that involves young people in understanding and finding solutions to pressing issues for themselves and their communities. This programming is funded by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and is part of their Youth Violence Prevention Centers.

Open To: Public
Admission: Free
For more information on this event: