Intersectionality, Quantitative Methods, and Mixed Methods in Health Research

Thursday May 25th 10:00 am - 3:30 pm

Room: Tulane University School of Public Health (Room 1206)

Those interested in understanding the ways intersectionality can be applied to quantitative methods and mixed methods in health research are welcome at a day-long event at the Tulane University School of Public Health from 10 am to 3:30 pm on May 25, 2023 in Tidewater Room 1206. Please register via Wavesync to attend.

This session is presented by the Intersectionality Training Institute (ITI) whose mission is to advance health equity and social justice by providing high quality training in the application of intersectionality to health research, policy, and practice.

The day will cover two trainings / topics

Quantitative Methods in Analytic Intersectionality

Intersectionality: Mixed Methods Health Research

This event is co-sponsored by Tulane Center of Excellence Maternal & Child Health, Mary Amelia Center for Women’s Health Equity Research, and the Violence Prevention Institute & Center for Youth Equity.

For information on previous trainings, visit the following links:

Intersectionality 101 

Qualitative Heath Foundations 

Quantitative Health Foundations

Open To: Public
Admission: Free
For more information on this event: