Jack CS Ling
Professor Emeritus

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=Ling+JC&cauthor_id=2285969Dr. Jack C. S. Ling is Professor Emeritus in the Department of International Health and Sustainable Development, and he is widely recognized for his work in development communication over the past 25 years. On the faculty of Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine in the Department of International Health and Development as a Clinical Professor of Public Health from 1989 to 2003, adjunct faculty beginning in 2003, professor Ling directed its International Communication Enhancement Center (ICEC).
Before his appointment at Tulane, he was Visiting Professor of Communication at the University of Southwestern Louisiana and Adjunct Associate Professor of Health Education at Columbia University and the City University of New York. Prior to his academic work, he was an international civil servant for 30 years, first as UNICEF's Asia Regional Information Officer in Bangkok, then a 20-year assignment at UNICEF's HQ in New York where he served as Director, Division of Information and Communication from 1972-82. From 1982-1986, he was Director, Division of Public Information and Education for Health, WHO HQ in Geneva. His work in the UN system included responsibilities for planning, developing and implementing global policies, strategies and programs. He directed information activities for various disease control, nutrition, maternal and child health, oral health and lifestyle illnesses. He pioneered development communication in UNICEF and introduced advocacy work in WHO. He has also initiated school health education reform and designed orientation seminars and training programs for media and health personnel.
Since 1987 he has undertaken consulting assignments for CDC, UNFPA, WHO, UNICEF, FAO, IRC and USAID through Johns Hopkins' Population Communication Service. As Director for ICEC, he directs the global Social Mobilization Training and Research Program, which was initiated by UNICEF with support from USAID, WHO/UNDP and UNFPA as well as the Communication Focal Point for the International Council for the Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders (ICCIDD). He is a member of the National Advocacy Council of the U.S. Committee for UNICEF and Chair, Communication/Education Committee, ICCIDD Board.
Reveiw some of Dr. Ling's publications at this NCBI link.