Andrew Englande, PhD, MS

Professor Emeritus

Andrew Englande

Education & Affiliations

PhD, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee
MS, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana
BS, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana


Dr. AJ Englande is professor emeritus in the Department of Environmental Health Sciences. His focus is on environmental engineer specializing in natural resource management including water quality and toxics assessment/control. Areas of research: industrial waste management, wastewater and water treatment; bioremediation; fate of trace contaminants and pathogens in the environment. Specific research focus included natural, low cost treatment/remediation methods and technology treatability feasibility studies of water, wastewater and hazardous waste alternatives. He has published extensively in these areas of study.

Application of technology for sustainable development in the international arena was of particular interest to Dr. Englande. His research/lecturing experiences included: Mexico, Thailand, Australia, China, Taiwan, France, Malaysia, Brazil, Colombia and other areas of the world.

Dr. Englande has also been active in numerous professional organizations including the Water Environment Federation (WEF) and the International Water Association (IWA). He served as chair of the Chemical Industries Specialist Group of the IWA.


Honors & Awards

  • Delta Omega National Public Health Honor Society
  • Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society of North America
  • New York Academy of Science
  • American Water Works Association
  • Water Environment Federation
  • International Water Association
  • Louisiana Engineering Society
  • American Association of University Professors
  • Fulbright Association (life member)


Review Dr. Englande's publications at his NCBI link