Education & Affiliations
Jian Li is a biostatistician and bioinformatician. His research includes both development of analytical methodology and analyses of high-throughput data. His current research topics include using network and integrative methods in characterizing and analyzing NGS DNA, sequence-based RNA/miRNA/protein expression data for finding genetic variants underlying human complex diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer and obesity; combining both genetic and clinical data for predictive model building; and statistical modeling and evaluation of biomarkers in disease prevention and treatment. He teaches regression analysis, and statistical methods in bioinformatics and human genetics. Prior to joining the faculty at Tulane, he was an assistant professor at University of Missouri - Kansas City and a research associate at Cornell University. He received his doctor of philosophy in genetics, with a minor in bioinformatics/statistics from North Carolina State University.
Research Areas
- Statistical genetics
- Bioinformatics
- Biostatistics
View Dr. Li's publications at his NCBI profile page.