2024 Graduation information for all events and for graduates, friends, and families can be found here


The IHSD department wants to engage SPHTM graduate students (MPH and PhD) in group conversations to help shape the Shifting Power: Confronting the Legacy of Colonialism in Global Health seminar series and ensure that student perspectives, concerns and suggestions are considered. In particular, we aim to use this information to help shape the fourth and final event in the series for the 2022-2023 academic year, which will be a day-long event in April (stay tuned for more information about that event). The conversations will be held on March 7th and 9th at 12 noon in room 2212, and on March 8th at 12 noon on Zoom. These student conversations will be guided by Dr. Martha Silva (IHSD). Pizza will be provided for in-person sessions. Sign up to participate and choose your session here: https://tulane.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9ETRJk8W5nbc2Hk