2024 Graduation information for all events and for graduates, friends, and families can be found here

Student Ambassador: Anna-Maria Zarembok

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Why did you choose to attend Tulane SPHTM?

I chose Tulane SPHTM because I wanted to study public health in a diverse and culturally rich environment. Being from California and having gone to school in upstate New York, I wanted to begin my graduate academic studies in a part of the country I had not yet explored. Tulane SPHTM is a highly renowned program and I knew that I would be receiving the best education possible, along with future career opportunities.

Why are you interested in volunteering as an SPHTM Student Ambassador?

I am interested in being a student ambassador because I feel as though I can help guide future students in their graduate planning. I also feel as though I have a unique background in terms of how I got into public health and where I grew and went to school that I may be able to relate to many students.

What's your dream job?

Once I graduate, I hope to be an epidemiologist. I am not quite sure in what field specifically yet, but I hope that through the courses I am taking and my practicum next year, I will have a better idea.

What advice would you give someone thinking about getting a degree in public health?

The advice I would give to someone thinking about getting a degree in public health is to do it! Public health is such a diverse field that there is truly something for everyone. It is an extremely rewarding field and I think that through the MPH degree program, you learn so many useful tools that will help you in not only your career, but also life in general.

Any hobbies, interests, etc. outside of public health?

Cooking, listening to live music, working out, and exploring the city!

What is the best thing about being a student at SPHTM thus far?

While I have only been a SPHTM student for just over a month, I have really enjoyed how involved and helpful everyone is. I have felt very welcome and respected by each and every professor, student, staff, and faculty that I have engaged with. I truly believe that the community at Tulane is something like no other.