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Degree comparison chart lays it out in one easy view

Image of the degree comparison chart found at https://sph.tulane.edu/admissions/degree-comparison-view

At the Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, prospective students have a wealth of options to choose from in finding just the right academic program to suit their needs. And now all of those options are visible in one handy degree comparison chart. 

“I wanted our students to have an at-a-glance means of seeing what programs we offer and what the format and requirements are for each,” said Suzanna Chase, assistant dean for enrollment management and admissions. Chase joined the school in 2021 and has been working to streamline admissions processes. 

The degree comparison chart complements a refresh of the overall Admissions website that makes finding information easier thanks to consistent navigation on most pages. 

LeShawn Simplis-Barnes was hired in September as the associate director of recruitment and agrees that the changes make the information clearer. “We have a lot of options at the school: residential and online programs, professional and research degrees, and differences in the number of credits required,” she said. “The comparison chart gives a birds-eye view of all of our programs, making it more obvious which direction a particular student should pursue.”

The Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine was established in 1912, making it the first such school in the United States. The school offers doctoral, master’s and undergraduate programs taught by faculty from seven departments: Biostatistics and Data Science, Environmental Health Sciences, Epidemiology, Health Policy and Management, International Health and Sustainable Development, Social, Behavioral, and Population Sciences, and Tropical Medicine. 

Applications are open for programs starting in both Summer and Fall 2022.