#ScholarStrike and teach-in for racial justice

Dr. Eva Silvestre leads the Dean’s Task Force on Race, which includes members drawn from students, faculty, and staff.
Dear Colleagues,
As some of you have heard, faculty at other institutions are organizing a #ScholarStrike for racial justice Tuesday, September 8th and Wednesday, September 9th, 2020. This was inspired by the NBA, WNBA, and MLB players strike after the shooting of Jacob Blake in Wisconsin.
More information here: https://www.insidehighered.com/quicktakes/2020/09/04/scholarstrike-begin-tuesday
There are many ways you can participate in this strike if you choose to do so. You can sign on here to join the strike. You can find out more about the strike and ways of being involved here. Follow news about the strike on twitter, via the organizer’s blog here, and their Facebook page.
One part of this is having teach-ins. The organizers and other collaborators will be producing videos and other materials through YouTube and the links above. This is a crammed and stressful semester but here are some suggestions if you would like to take part:
- Post some of the material with an announcement on your Canvas page
- Post and or discuss other relevant material - For example, the NY Times published an article 2 weeks ago titled “How Decades of Racist Housing Policy Left Neighborhoods Sweltering”
- Watch one of the videos with your students during class and discuss
- Move up a lecture that addresses racial injustice, institutional racism, or other relevant topic if you had it planned for a later time in the semester
Eva Silvestre, PhD
Program Director
International Health and Development MPH Program