The Virtual Tulane Advances in Poverty Elimination Symposium will bring together engaging speakers and prominent change makers. Join us via Zoom to discuss innovative approaches to reducing poverty in New Orleans. NOTE: Event organizers have determined that the symposium will not be shared live via Facebook. Please register via Zoom. The event will be recorded and made available at a later date.
The Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine invites community residents, leaders, representatives of the public, non-profit, and business sectors, and anyone concerned about poverty in the city of New Orleans and its disproportionate impact on the city’s Black community to attend this unique and thought-provoking, day-long symposium.
The symposium will feature local and national experts discussing promising poverty solutions including:
- addressing systemic and institutionalized racism
- providing a guaranteed income
- increasing workforce development and supports for people facing barriers to employment
- investing in place-based initiatives that develop and transform communities
- removing barriers to policy change
Thursday, March 17, 2022
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
NOTE: To protect the health of all involved, this symposium has been shifted to an all-virtual format.